How to Improve Your Outdoor Patio Space

Ideal for homes near the beach or properties with an above-ground or in-ground swimming pool, outdoor showers allow people to conveniently rinse off before re-entering their homes. Things like sand, water, and more can wreak havoc on flooring and furniture, and today's outdoor showers are both practical and elegant ways to quickly wash away anything you don't want back in your home following your time outdoors.

Thinking of adding some updates to your outdoor area but not sure where to begin? Let’s explore more about outdoor showers and discuss some other outdoor accessories that make for the perfect complement to your outdoor space. Here's a look at what you need to know:

Outdoor Shower Essentials

Outdoor showers can be as simple or as complex as you choose. Some showers may be nothing more than what you'd see at your local neighborhood pool or beach, while others can be designed to offer more privacy and elegance. 

Here are a few considerations when selecting the right hardware and material for your outdoor shower:

Water Pressure and Temperature Are Key

Outdoor shower pressure balance and water temperature are important when installing an outdoor shower. While water pressure is largely managed by your plumbing installation and shower head, a pressure balance valve helps maintain the desired amount of both hot and cold water. We recommend something like the Waterworks Roadster Pressure Balance Valve as an ideal outdoor shower accessory to help enhance any outdoor shower experience.

Consider a Hand Shower

While a shower head should be part of any outdoor shower makeup, hand showers can help reach those hard-to-get-to areas that may be coated in sand. Hand showers easily detach and re-attach and can help people rinse more thoroughly. The Waterworks Roadster Classic Handshower and Regulator Handshower are ideal options.

Accessories Matter

As we said in the opening, you can make your shower as simple or as elegant as you'd like. Some property owners just prefer a simple, exposed one-piece shower. Others install shower doors or other barriers to enhance privacy. Whatever you do, you'll likely need to consider some accessories. Parts like robe hooks, towel bars, and other furnishings can help complete your outdoor shower space.

Tile Matters: Outdoor Patio Tile for Outdoor Showers

What's the best tile for an outdoor patio? To start, it should be durable and able to withstand moisture. There are many good options, such as porcelain, ceramic, and quartz. One of the most durable and weather-proof varieties is terrazzo. Known for its elegance and durability, the tile can stand the test of time with minimal maintenance. Among the many terrazzo tile options to select from is the Waterworks Portlandia Field Tile.

Other Outdoor Options: From Kitchens to Dog Bowl Fillers

Plenty of other outdoor options – from outdoor kitchen ideas to an outdoor pet shower – can complement your outdoor shower and exterior living space. Here's a closer look at some of the other outdoor features you might consider:

  • Outdoor Kitchen: Always dreamed of having your own outdoor kitchen? Like your shower, it can be as simple, modern, or extravagant as you'd like. Make sure to pay close attention to the sink and faucets to ensure they can withstand outdoor conditions and avoid corrosion and weathering.
  • Pet Sinks and Showers: Yes, accommodations can be made so that Rover and Fido also enjoy your outdoor space. From pet sinks that fill up dog bowls to special pet showers, you can keep your animals hydrated and clean as they venture outdoors and enjoy life with you. Bonus Tip: Look for a good pot filler faucet for pet sinks, such as the Waterworks Henry Articulated Pot Filler in either antique brass or dark brass.

Ready to Update Your Patio Space? Contact Luxury Bath for Less Today

If you want to add any of the above elements to your outdoor patio area, our team is here to help make it a reality. For more information on outdoor showers and other outdoor features and accessories, contact Luxury Bath for Less today to get started.

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